February Game Dev Log

Hello!! I decided recently to start posting monthly update blogs on Tumblr, and then a dev I admired recommend I update here as well. This is my first blog of what will hopefully become a monthly occurrence!

Writing Progress

  • This is the shorter section so I'm going to get it out of the way! Most of the tasks for Day 2 have been written out in a doc but not implemented yet because I like making the art first which is why I've been so focused on pixel art. Hopefully I get there soon!
  • I do have some stuff written in Omma. Of course, I can't show it, but it's there. Imagine it. What could possibly be written when you interact with statues, bookshelves, paintings, and NPCs? That's the most fun part of devving for me!
  • I've been making small edits to Day 1, but… The demo probably won't be edited until the final game release so don't expect any updates on that haha!

Art Progress

  • I've primarily been focused on pixel art for the first half of Day 2. My pride and joy is the outside of the church of course. There's a few things I really like about the church, but I'd rather save some of it until release. There's a lot of stuff I need to do like fill it with adherents, add the puzzles, etc…

  • Sprites. I've got a few sprites done. The sprite in this is going to be unused, but don't worry, their siblings will appear! I've gotten two of the adherents of the Church inside! I need more, but.. Two.

  • Mercy design update! He has a long skirt now… Look at his sprite… His original design was made very quickly, and I just fell in love with it… Eventually I thought it'd make more sense for someone like Mercy to wear a long skirt with leggings underneath. I don't think I'll update it in the demo right since it's just a small change, but it will be done in the future!

That was most of what I did in February! Thank you for reading!!! See you at the end of March!

Also note: The one year anniversary of the demo will be on April 3rd! I currently have a Tumblr poll which will determine the illustration I make for it! Feel free to vote. Here is the link!

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